Sunday, June 17, 2012

Update ON Programmes on WMN

Hello Everyone, Wow, I am happy to report that all programmes monitored on my blog, web money news are all paying fine without any issues. This is quite a good sign for the industry and am looking forward to adding more quality programmes on my blog soon.
Royalty7 reviewed here has been paying fine now for over 6 months without any problems whatsoever. In fact the level of professionalism here is top notch and they keep getting better.
FX7PRO reviewed here has been good too, in fact going through an attack recently with made them their DDoS protection to BlockDDos, which is the best in the industry and very expensive shows that the Admin of FX7PRO is quite serious about making this programme last longer. It will interest you to know that FX7PRO had purchased three banners each for a month in one of the most respected and professional monitor in the HYIP industry and that is what we call a serious Admin who knows his onions. The payout has been quite fast I must compliment. I must also commend the communication efforts of the Admin, he keeps the members abreast of what is happening. Recently some members were having problems with emails from support especially those using YahooMail service. These were the messages from the website:
Blockdos protection We are pleased to announce that from now FX7 Pro uses DDoS protection provided by Blockdos.
Support update Yahoo mail service is blocking some of our emails, please use an alternative email providers to contact our support. Sorry for inconvenience.
PrimeAlliance reviewed here has been close to perfect. Despite coming back from an attack and the little set back from Payza leading to the suspension of their account their, it been going stronger and stronger. Members have seamlessly converted their Payza to other payment processors, that is professionalism. Payment has been close to instant I must say.
Thats all for now. Remember to always invest what you can afford to loose and diversify your portfolio. See you later.

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