Hello Everyone.
How are you all doing? People always ask me, how do you know a HYIP is about to scam? Well in as much as one cannot 100% predict a scamming HYIP, there are some signs to look out for that will serve as a guide. This is what I am going to be looking at today. So lets go into it.
The first sign of a scamming HYIP is a "too-good-to-be-true" return on investment. This is the first evident sign that a HYIP will scam in very short while, shorter than normal. When a HYIP is offering 1000% ROI after one month or after 30 working days, you do not need a soothsayer to tell you that if you put your hard money there that it will be gone. Well due to greed and ignorance some newbie investors who want to get rich quick do still put in their money there. You know that feeling of hoping to receive $1000 from $100 investment after 30days, it is mainly a feeling of greed. Another example is 600% in 7days, these are very outrageous ROI that cannot even be sustained for a cycle let alone many. Because the Admins of such HYIP programs are very smart chaps, they also put out the usual 103% per day ROI which they can run for a few days just to make you believe that they can pay 1000% after 30days only for them to close shop after 10 or 12 days. Despite the fact that all HYIP programs will close shop some day, if you want to invest in HYIP, you should be able to make profit before they close shop. A well managed HYIP program run for 6 months for instance can put you well in profit before closing. So you need to watch out for these "too-good-to-be-true" return on investment HYIP programs as they are everywhere in the HYIP industry as they pop out from everywhere daily. So be informed.
Another sign to look out for is fake running days of HYIP programs. I have come to discover a very salient and wicked tactics used by scamming HYIP Admins. What they do is set up a HYIP program and keep it underground without advertising it and accepting no investors for 3 months or thereabout and then start advertising it afterwards. Now, they try to create the impression that they have been online for close 100days paying very well to their investors and that everyone is happy with them, false! This strategy gives them the enabling environment to sell whatever ROI they offer to the general unknowing public and trust me, majority of the times, their ROI are outrageous. Investors that are not informed tend to believe them because to the newbie investors the HYIP program has a pedigree having been online for 100days. Again, you noticed a huge amount most times in millions of US dollars as paid out amount and another larger amount as deposits. This is a clear sign of scam. How on earth can you $3.2million as deposit from investors in 3months, you must be kidding me? This is an easy bait they use to make money off people and it works for them except you know about it. When you put the two signs together you can figure it out yourself easily and save yourself some losses.
When you already in a HYIP program and then suddenly the Admin introduces a very alarming ROI investment package, then its time to talk walk because you are about to be scammed. You know these guys plan from the beginning to scam people before they launch, so they already have everything worked out, so you have to plan for them as well. When in the middle of a prgram, the Admin introduces an outrageous ROI, it means two things both of which will definitely lead to the end of the program. Firstly it means that the program is having a cash flow problem which is bad and secondly the Admin wants to scam sooner than later. People tend for fall for this bait alot and loose their money because they are not informed. So, when next you join that HYIP program be on the alert.
Let me stop here for now while you digest them and I will be coming out with a second part. The good news for me is that I found out what works, an online business that is not a
HYIP and most importantly is
Thanks for the informative article! waiting for your next post Private equity investment